helo2....hm,gambar2 yg d atas 2 masa my famely trip to singapore.....and dalam gambar d atas 2 jua masa kami d vivocity n sentosa islan....BEST.. But,ada yg nda kesampayan...sedih eh,i mau naik lion basar bt tht tyme hari hujan n bekilat....so 4 safety,they have to closed lh dulu huhuhu...nda apa,i will go to singapore lagi but tungu kaja lh hehehe....masa 2 semua kana sponser leh my oldest sister...ya nda dapat pegi sal duty...payah kaja under army ni....so yg ganti my mom punya youngest sister usu mimi hehe...ya th yg jaga kami2 d singapore....but nyalih lh sal my unty ni kaki shopping hehehe....kami2 ni kaki jalan2 cari makan...susah cari makan d singapore ah...bnyk p**k....every day mkn fastfood ja...janji makan hehe...nda ja???but apa2 pun,i will go to singapore lagi....mau join,gumpul duit k......Dddaaaaa~
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